Sabtu, 24 November 2012

FOREWORD Menara Mas Lestari PT

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FOREWORD Menara Mas Lestari PT

Parks became very important in the unity of theIn its development, the park has become an indispensable part of the comfort and beauty of a place to stay. The main function of the home garden is an aesthetic function. This function is easily observed.

The beauty of the park caught the eyes and felt by the heart. Provide alignment. Therefore, the skill set of plants and garden-forming elements can realize a harmonious and beautiful gardens. Knowledge of the types and functions of plants and creativity to make theme parks and was instrumental patterns.

The role of the park as a support activity is also very important. Many activities can be done in the garden. Just to mingle, entertaining relatives, eat, or drink while enjoying the beauty of the park. In fact, the garden can be used as a place of relaxation for healing. The gardens at the main hospital fulfill that function.Parks can also affect emotions park users. Enjoy the beauty of a garden can affect human emotion.

The impression gained could be feeling comfortable, safe, full of mystery and curiosity, as well as romantic.This paper is not the only explanation writings park. Many other garden writing. However, efforts to bring the park again writing is an attempt to share. Efforts to continuously engage in dialogue with the audience of the park. Step by step to do in making the park a try to set out. Hopefully, the reader can easily apply it in its own garden location.

That way, quality of life and environmental quality is increasing.Related to the very complex and diverse aspects of the park, this paper can not accommodate all the things about the park home.

Input and discussions ongoing to complete this paper is expected.In particular, we are to thank the loaded paper. Hopefully deeds sincerity that got replies from Allah SWT. (Landscape Contractor M Adil Rasjid)